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控制科学与工程 学科 石翔 导师信息


石翔 博士 中国石油大学(华东)信息与控制工程学院副教授。2011年于香港理工大学获工学学士学位,并连续四年获得全额奖学金;2017年于香港理工大学获工学博士学位,并获得该年度香港理工大学CIB博士论文竞赛第一名。2018年2月作为优秀青年人才引进到中国石油大学(华东),被聘为副教授、硕士生导师。主要从事智能结构及振动控制研究,包括:高性能负刚度减振系统;低耗能主动隔振系统;基于强化学习的减振系统算法优化设计。


香港研究资助局纵向项目, PolyU 152222/14E, 

A novel passive negative stiffnes s damper: application to stay cable, 

2015.9-2017.8, 70万元(港币), 已结题,参加2/7


香港科技创新署纵向项目, ITS/344/14

Research & Development of a novel type of electromagnetic negative-stiffness damper, 

2015.3-2017.2, 74万元(港币), 已结题,参加2/6




1.Zhu, S., Shi, X., Leung, R. C., Cheng, L., Ng, S., Zhang, X., & Wang, Y. (2014). Impact of construction-induced vibration on vibration-sensitive medical equipment: a case study. Advances in Structural Engineering, 17(6), 907-920. 

2.Shi, X., & Zhu, S. (2015). Magnetic negative stiffness dampers. Smart Materials and Structures, 24(7), 072002.

3.Shi, X., Zhu, S., Li, J. Y., & Spencer, B. F. (2016). Dynamic behavior of stay cables with passive negative stiffness dampers. Smart Materials and Structures, 25(7), 75044-75057. 

4.Shi, X., Zhu, S., & Spencer, B. F. (2017). Experimental Study on Passive Negative Stiffness Damper for Cable Vibration Mitigation. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 143(9), 04017070. 

5.Shi, X., & Zhu, S. (2017). Simulation and optimization of magnetic negative stiffness dampers. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 259, 14-33. 

6.Shi, X., & Zhu, S. (2017). Performance Comparison between Passive Negative Stiffness Damper and Active Control in Cable Vibration Mitigation. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. 22(9), 04017054. 

7.Shi, X., & Zhu, S. (2018). Dynamic characteristics of stay cables with inerter dampers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 423, 287-305. 

8.Shi, X., Zhu, S., Niu, Y. Q., & Li, J. (2018). Vibration suppression in high-speed trains with negative stiffness dampers. SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS, 21(5), 653-668.

9.Shi, X., & Zhu, S. (2018). Nonlinear impact of negative stiffness dampers on stay cables. Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, 5(1), 15-38. 

10.Shi, X., & Zhu, S. (2019). A Comparative Study of Vibration Isolation Performance using Negative Stiffness and Inerter Dampers. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Accepted. 





