









»导师类别:硕士生导师、 博士生导师



































IEEE高级会员,ACM会员,CCF高级会员,中国电子学会高级会员,CCF网络与数据通信专委会委员,CCF物联网专委会通信委员,中国电子学会物联网青年专技组通信委员,山东计算机学会网络空间安全专委会委员,担任SCI一区国际期刊IEEE TII客座编委,担任国家自然科学基金企业创新发展联合基金重点项目网评和会评专家,担任陕西省重点研发计划项目会评专家,担任浙江省尖兵领雁计划项目网评专家,担任IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE IoT-J, IEEE TDSC, IEEE TWC, IEEE TVT, IEEE TCYB, IEEE TII等三十多个SCI检索国际期刊审稿人。





























[1]山东省泰山学者青年专家项目,2024.01-2026.12,No. tsqn202312133,75万,主持

[2]基于联邦学习的数据安全与隐私保护研究,算力互联网与信息安全教育部重点实验室开放课题,2024.01-2026.12,No. 2023ZD017,10万,主持

[3]群智感知驱动的车联网安全计算,山东省自然科学基金优秀青年基金,2023.01-2025.12,No. ZR2022YQ61,50万,主持

[4]海洋石油生产系统过程监测技术研究,中国石油大学(华东)自主创新计划项目战略专项,2022.01-2024.12,No. 22CX01003A-9,100万,主持


[6] 面向大规模RFID系统的标签安全监测关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018.01-2021.12No. 6177255163万,主持,已结题

[7] 资源受限容迟网络的多层协议研究与设计,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2014.01-2016.12No. 6130902323万,主持,已结题  

[8] 基于帧时隙ALOHA的大规模RFID系统标签监测及其安全与隐私保护研究,山东省重点研发计划项目,2018.01-2019.12No. 2018GGX10103520万,主持,已结题

[9] 物联网跨层信息安全与隐私保护研究,山东省重点研发计划项目,2015.07-2017.07No. 2015GGX10104520万,主持,已结题

[10] 针对虫洞攻击的无线传感器网络安全定位方法的研究,山东省自然科学基金青年基金,2013.10-2016.10No. ZR2013FQ0325万,主持,已结题

[11] 大规模RFID系统的丢失标签检测与识别技术研究,山东省计算机网络重点实验室开放课题,2019.01-2020.12No. SDKLCN-2018-062万,主持,已结题

[12] 基于车载网的媒体报文信息分发机制,浙江省可视媒体智能处理技术研究重点实验室开放课题,2013.01-2013.12No. 20120081万,主持,已结题

[13] 面向资源受限的移动自组织网络信息安全与隐私保护研究,青岛市科技计划项目,2015.09-2017.09No. 15-9-1-79-jch5万,主持,已结题

[14] 大规模物联网关键技术研究,中国石油大学(华东)自主创新科研计划项目优青培育项目,2018.01-2020.12No. 18CX07003A20万,主持,已结题

[15] 基于非加密技术的资源受限物联网安全问题研究,中国石油大学(华东)自主创新计划项目延续资助,2016.01-2017.126万,主持,已结题

[16] 资源受限的容迟网络系统理论研究,中国石油大学(华东)自主创新计划项目,2013.01-2014.12No. 13CX02100A8.8万,主持,已结题

[17] 中国石油大学(华东)青年骨干教师人才建设工程, 2014-20178万,主持,已结题

[18] 针对虫洞攻击的无线传感器网络安全定位技术,中国石油大学(华东)科研启动基金项目,2013.01-2015.123万,主持,已结题

[19] 面向自动化拔尖人才的基于物联网技术创新型综合实验课程教学模式的研究与探索,中国石油大学(华东)青年教改项目,2014.09-2016.090.5万,主持,已结题








[1]. Junjian Li, Honglong Chen*, Yudong Gao, Shaozhong Guo, Kai Lin, Yuping Liu, Peng Sun. BABE: Backdoor Attack with Bokeh Effects via Latent Separation Suppression. In Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2024. (SCI二区CCF C)

[2]. Anqing Zhang, Honglong Chen*, Xiaomeng Wang, Junjian Li, Yudong Gao,  Xingang Wang. Defending against backdoor attack on deep neural networks based  on multi-scale inactivation. In Information Sciences, 2024. (SCI一区CCF B)

[3]. Yuping Liu, Honglong Chen*, Xiaolong Liu, Wentao Wei, Huansheng Xue, Osama Alfarraj, Zafer Almakhadmeh. Optimizing Task Allocation with Temporal-Spatial Privacy Protection in Mobile Crowdsensing. In Expert Systems, 2024. (SCI四区,CCF C)

[4]. Zhichen Ni, Honglong Chen*, Birong Gao, Kai Lin, Liantao Wu, Jiguo Yu. Reward-Oriented Task Offloading in Energy Harvesting  Collaborative Edge Computing Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. (SCI二区,CCF A)

[5]. Zhe Li, Honglong Chen*, Zhichen Ni,  Yudong Gao, Wei Lou. Towards Adaptive Privacy Protection for  Interpretable Federated Learning. In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. (SCI二区,CCF A)

[6]. Guoxin Li, Honglong Chen*, Liantao Wu, Xuejian Chi, Junmei Yao, Feng Xia, Jiguo Yu. Efficient Deployment and Scheduling of Shared VNF  Instances in Mobile Edge Computing Networks. In IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024. (SCI一区)

[7]. Honglong Chen, Yudong Gao, Anqing Zhang, Peng Sun*, Nan Jiang, Weifeng Liu, Xingang Wang. Investigating the Backdoor on DNNs Based on Recolorization and Reconstruction: From A Multi-Channel Perspective. In IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2024. (SCI 一区, CCF A)

[8]. Jinghan Qiu, Honglong Chen*, Junjian Li, Yudong Gao, Junwei Li, Xingang Wang. IBAQ: Frequency-Domain Backdoor Attack Threatening Autonomous Driving via Quadratic Phase. In ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 2024. (CCF B)

[9]. Junjian Li, Honglong Chen*, Zhichen Ni, Yudong Gao, Weifeng Liu, Nan Jiang. Image-Scaling Attack on Image Signal Processing Pipelines in Deep Neural Networks Based Outdoor Vision Applications. In IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2024. (SCI 二区)

[10]. Junjian Li, Honglong Chen*, Zhe Li, Anqing Zhang, Xiaomeng Wang, Xingang Wang, Feng Xia. Generative Adversarial Network Based Image-Scaling Attack and Defense Modeling. In IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2024. (SCI 三区)

[11]. Yudong Gao, Honglong Chen*, Junjian Li, Xingang Wang*, Abdullah Alharbi, Amr Tolba, Feng Xia. Frequency is Devious: Deep Stealthy Backdoor in Artificial Intelligence Based Consumer Internet of Things. In IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2024. (SCI 二区)

[12]. Zhimin Gao, Honglong Chen*, Zhe Li, Bolun Ma. Multiscale Residual Convolution Neural Network for Seismic Data Denoising. In IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2024. (SCI三区)

[13]. Zhe Li, Honglong Chen*, Yudong Gao, Zhichen Ni, Huansheng Xue, Huajie Shao. Staged Noise Perturbation for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning.In IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2024. (SCI三区)

[14]. Huansheng Xue, Honglong Chen*, Zhichen Ni, Xiaolong Liu, Feng Xia. Towards Maximizing Coverage of Targets for WRSNs by Multiple Chargers Scheduling. In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. (SCI二区, CCF A)

[15]. Xinglong Fan, Honglong Chen*, Zhichen Ni, Guoxin Li, Haiyang Sun, Jiguo Yu. Multi-Agent Collaborative Caching Strategies in Dynamic Heterogeneous D2D Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024. (SCI二区)

[16]. Xiaolong Liu, Honglong Chen*, Yuping Liu, Wentao Wei, Huansheng Xue and Feng Xia, Multi-Task Data Collection With Limited Budget in Edge-Assisted Mobile Crowdsensing, In IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024. (SCI一区)

[17]. Junjian Li, Honglong Chen*, Peng Sun, Zhibo Wang, Zhichen Ni, Weifeng Liu. Call White Black: Enhanced Image-Scaling Attack in Industrial Artificial Intelligence Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023. (SCI一区)

[18]. Jianyao Yin, Honglong Chen*. Enhanced Coalescence Backdoor Attack Against DNN Basedon Pixel Gradient. In Neural Processing letters, 2023. (SCI四区)

[19]. Xiaomeng Wang, Honglong Chen*, Peng Sun, Junjian Li, Anqing Zhang, Weifeng Liu, Nan Jiang. AdvST: Generating Unrestricted Adversarial Images via Style Transfer. In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023. (SCI一区, CCF B)

[20]. Wentao Wei, Honglong Chen*, Xiang Liu, Guoqi Ma, Yuping Liu, Xiaolong Liu. Towards Time-Constrained Task Allocation in Semi-Opportunistic Mobile Crowdsensing. In Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 150, 2023. (SCI二区)

[21]. Xuejian Chi, Honglong Chen*, Guoxin Li, Zhichen Ni, Nan Jiang, and Feng Xia. EDSP-Edge: Efficient Dynamic Edge Service Entity Placement for Mobile Virtual Reality Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023. (SCI一区, CCF B, ESI高被引)

[22]. Kai Lin, Honglong Chen*, Zhe Li, Na Yan, Huansheng Xue, and Feng Xia. Efficiently Identifying Unknown COTS RFID Tags for Intelligent Transportation Systems. InIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023. (SCI一区, CCF B)

[23]. Kai Lin, Honglong Chen*, Na Yan, Zhichen Ni, Zhibo Wang, Jiguo Yu. Double Polling-Based Tag Information Collection for Sensor-Augmented RFID Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023. (CCF A, SCI二区)

[24]. Na Yan, Honglong Chen*, Kai Lin, Zhichen Ni, Zhe Li, Huansheng Xue. BFSearch: Bloom filter based tag searching for large-scale RFID systems. In Ad Hoc Networks, vol.139, no.1, 2023. (SCI二区)

[25]. Gouqi Ma, Honglong Chen*, Yang Huang, Wentao Wei, Xiang Liu, Zhibo Wang. Utility-Based Heterogeneous User Recruitment of Multi-Task in Mobile Crowdsensing. In IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023. (SCI一区, IF:10.238)

[26]. Zhe Li, Honglong Chen*, Zhichen Ni, Xiaogang Deng, Baodi Liu, Weifeng Liu. ARPCNN: Auxiliary Review Based Personalized Attentional CNN for Trustworthy Recommendation. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.19, no.1, pp.1018-1029, 2022. (SCI一区,Top)

[27]. Huansheng Xue, Honglong Chen*, Qiuli Dai, Kai Lin, Junjian Li, Zhe Li. CSCT: Charging Scheduling for Maximizing Coverage of Targets in WRSNs. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2022. (SCI二区)

[28]. Zhichen Ni, Honglong Chen*, Zhe Li, Xiaomeng Wang, Na Yan, Weifeng Liu, Feng Xia. MSCET: A Multi-Scenario Offloading Schedule for Biomedical Data Processing and Analysis in Cloud-Edge-Terminal Collaborative Vehicular Networks. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2023. (SCI三区, CCF B)

[29]. Honglong Chen, Zhe Li, Zhu Wang, Zhichen Ni, Junjian Li, Ge Xu, Abdul Aziz, Feng Xia. Edge Data Based Trailer Inception Probabilistic Matrix Factorization for Context-Aware Movie Recommendation. In World Wide Web Journal, vol.25, no.5, pp.1863-1882, 2021. (SCI三区, CCF B)

[30].Zhu Wang, Honglong Chen*, Zhe Li, Kai Lin, Nan Jiang, Feng Xia. VRConvMF: Visual Recurrent Convolutional Matrix Factorization for Movie Recommendation. In IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, vol.6, no.3, pp.519-529, 2021. (SCI二区)

[31].Yang Huang, Honglong Chen*, Guoqi Ma, Kai Lin, Zhichen Ni, Na Yan, Zhibo Wang. OPAT: Optimized Allocation of Time Dependent Tasks for Mobile Crowdsensing. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.18, no.4, pp.2476-2485, 2022. (SCI, Top)

[32].Feng Liang, Honglong Chen*, Kai Lin, Junjian Li, Zhe Li, Huansheng Xue, Vladimir Shakhov, Hannan Bin Liaqat. Route Recommendation Based on Temporal-Spatial Metric. In Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol.97, 2022. (SCI三区)

[33].Honglong Chen, Xin Ai, Kai Lin, Na Yan, Nan Jiang, Zhibo Wang, Jiguo Yu. DAP: Efficient Detection Against Probabilistic Cloning Attacks in Anonymous RFID Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.18, no.1, pp.345-355, 2021. (SCI一区, Top)

[34].Kai Lin, Honglong Chen*, Na Yan, Zhe Li, Junjian Li, and Nan Jiang. Fast and Reliable Missing Tag Detection for Multiple-Group RFID System. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.18, no.4, pp.2656-2664, 2022. (SCI一区, Top)

[35].Leyi Shi, Xiaoyu Li, Zhenbo Gao, Pengfei Duan, Na Liu, Honglong Chen*. Worm Computing: A Blockchain-based Resource Sharing and Cybersecurity Framework. In Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol.185, no.1, 2021. (SCI二区, Top)  

[36]. Zhe Li, Honglong Chen*, Kai Lin, Vladimir Shakhov, Leyi Shi, Jiguo Yu. From edge data to recommendation: A double attention-based deformable convolutional network. In Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, vol.14, pp.3984-3997, 2021. (SCI三区)

[37]. Honglong Chen, Shuai Wang, Nan Jiang, Zhe Li, Na Yan, and Leyi Shi. Trust-aware Generative Adversarial Network with Recurrent Neural Network for Recommender. In International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2021.(SCI一区, Top,IF:10.312)

[38]. Xin Ai,Honglong Chen*, Kai Lin, Zhibo Wang and Jiguo Yu. Nowhere to Hide: Efficiently Identifying Probabilistic Cloning Attacks in Large-Scale RFID Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2021.(CCF A, SCI一区,Top)

[39].Honglong Chen, Yuting Qin, Kai Lin, Yingxin Luan, Zhibo Wang, Jiguo Yu, Yanjun Li. PWEND: Proactive wakeup based energy-efficient neighbor discovery for mobile sensor networks. In Ad Hoc Networks, vol.107, no.1, 2020.(SCI二区)

[40]. Kai Lin,Honglong Chen*,Xin Ai, Vladimir Shakhov, Lina Ni, Jiguo Yu, Yanjun Li.EUMD: Efficient slot utilization based missing tag detection with unknown tags. In Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol.160, no.15, 2020.(SCI二区, Top)

[41].Xuxin Zhang,Honglong Chen*, Kai Lin, Zhibo Wang, Jiguo Yu, and Leyi Shi. RMTS: A Robust Clock Synchronization Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Journal of Network and Computer Applications,vol.135, no.1, pp.1-10,2019. (SCI二区, Top)

[42].Honglong Chen, Wei Lou, Zhibo Wang, and Feng Xia. On Achieving Asynchronous Energy-Efficient Neighbor Discovery for Mobile Sensor Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing,vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 553-565,2018.(SCI二区)

[43].Honglong Chen, Guolei Ma, Zhibo Wang, Qian Wang, and Jiguo Yu. MAC: Missing Tag Iceberg Queries for Multi-Category RFID Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 9947-9958, Oct. 2018. (SCI二区)

[44].Honglong Chen, Zhibo Wang, Feng Xia, Yanjun Li, and Leyi Shi. Efficiently and Completely Identifying Missing Key Tags for Anonymous RFID Systems. In IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 2915-2926, Aug. 2018. (SCI一区, Top)

[45].Honglong Chen, Guolei Ma, Zhibo Wang, Feng Xia, Jiguo Yu. Probabilistic Detection of Missing Tags for Anonymous Multi-Category RFID Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,vol. 66, pp. 11295-11305, Dec. 2017.(SCI二区)

[46].Honglong Chen, Guoliang Xue, and Zhibo Wang. Efficient and Reliable Missing Tags Identification for Large-Scale RFID Systems with Unknown Tags. In IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 4, pp.736-748, 2017.(SCI一区, Top)

[47].Honglong Chen, Guolei Ma, Zhibo Wang, Jiguo Yu, Leyi Shi, and Xiangyuan Jiang. Efficient 3-Dimensional Localization for RFID Systems Using Jumping Probe. In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 41, pp. 300-318, Oct. 2017.(SCI三区)

[48].Honglong Chen, Wei Lou, Zhibo Wang, and Qian Wang. A Secure Credit-Based Incentive Mechanism for Message Forwarding in Noncooperative DTNs. In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,vol. 65, pp.6377-6388, 2016.(SCI二区)

[49].Honglong Chen, and Wei Lou. Contact Expectation Based Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks. In Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 36, pp.244-257, 2016.(SCI三区)

[50].Honglong Chen, Wei Lou, and Zhi Wang. On Providing Wormhole Attack Resistant Localization Using Conflicting Sets. In Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 15, pp.1865-1881, 2015.(SCI四区)

[51].Honglong Chen, and Wei Lou. On Protecting End-to-End Location Privacy against Local Eavesdropper in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 16, pp.36-50, 2015.(SCI三区)

[52].Honglong Chen, Wei Lou, Junfeng Wu, Zhibo Wang, Zhi Wang, and Aihua Xia.Securing DV-Hop Localization Against Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Pervasive and Mobile Computing. vol. 16, pp. 22-35, Jan. 2015.(SCI三区)

[53].Honglong Chen, and Wei Lou. GAR: Group Aware Cooperative Routing Protocol for Resource-Constraint Opportunistic Networks. In Computer Communications, vol. 48, pp.20-29, 2014.(SCI三区)

[54].Honglong Chen, Wendong Chen, Zhibo Wang, Zhi Wang, and Yanjun Li.Mobile Beacon Based Wormhole Attackers Detection and Positioning in Wireless Sensor Networks. In International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2014.(SCI四区)

[55].Honglong Chen, Wei Lou, Xice Sun, and Zhi Wang. A secure localization approach against wormhole attacks using distance consistency. In EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2010, Article ID 627039, 11 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/627039.(SCI四区)

[56].Honglong Chen, Wei Lou, and Zhi Wang. A Novel Secure Localization Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks. In EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2010, Article ID 981280, 12 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/981280.(SCI四区)

[57].张栋,陈鸿龙. 融合文本信息的轻量级图卷积网络推荐模型. 北京邮电大学学报, 2021. (EI)

[58].刘国桢, 陈鸿龙. 基于卷积和记忆单元的图协同过滤推荐系统. 北京邮电大学学报, 2021. (EI) 

[59].王晓萌, 陈鸿龙, 张安庆, 李隽健, 石乐义. 基于深度学习的对抗样本生成技术研究综述. 广州大学学报(自然科学版), 2020

[60].鸿龙王志波,王智,许江铭,李燕君,刘丽萍.针对虫洞攻击的无线传感器网络安全定位方法.通信学报. 2015. (EI)

[61].陈鸿龙,李鸿斌,王智.基于TDoA测距的传感器网络安全定位研究.通信学报, 2008. (EI)






[67].陈鸿龙,杨玉斌,田力丹,马国蕾,李晓辉.基于物联网的抽油机群远程监控实验平台.实验技术与管理, 2016.(核心期刊教改论文)

[68].陈鸿龙,涂玲,孙良,邓晓刚.基于无线传感器网络的抽油机监控实验系统.实验技术与管理, 2014.(核心期刊教改论文)

[69]. Shuo Yu, Feng Xia, Honglong Chen, Ivan Lee, Lianhua Chi, Hanghang Tong. Heterogeneous Network Motif Coding, Counting, and Profiling. In ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 2024.(CCF B,SCI三区)

[70]. Nan Jiang, Weihao Gu, Lang Li, Fengqi Zhou, Sen Qiu, Tianqing Zhou, Honglong Chen. TFD:Trust-Based Fraud Detection in SIoT With Graph Convolutional Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2024.(SCI 二区)

[71]. Shuo Yu, Huafei Huang, Yanming Shen, Pengfei Wang, Qiang Zhang, Ke Sun, Honglong Chen. Formulating and Representing Multiagent Systems With Hypergraphs. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2024.(SCI一区,CCF B)

[72]. Xinghao Yang, Yupeng Qi, Honglong Chen, Baodi Liu, Weifeng Liu. Generation-based parallel particle swarm optimization for adversarial text attacks. In Information Sciences, 2023.(SCI一区)

[73]. Wei Lu, Nan Jiang, Di Jin, Honglong Chen, Ximeng Liu. Learning Distinct Relationship in Package Recommendation With Graph Attention Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2023.(SCI二区)

[74]. Liaotao Wu, Peng Sun, Honglong Chen, Yong Zuo, Yong Zhou, Yang Yang. NOMA-Enabled Multiuser Offloading in Multicell Edge Computing Networks: A Coalition Game Based Approach. In IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2023. (SCI二区)

[75]. Kan Yu, Jiguo Yu, Zhiyong Feng, Honglong Chen. A Reassessment on Applying Protocol Interference Model under Rayleigh Fading: From Perspective of Link Scheduling. InIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2023. (CCF A, SCI二区)

[76].Yahui Ji, Jiguo Yu, Yan Yao, Kan Yu, Honglong Chen, Shanchao Zheng. Securing wireless communications from the perspective of physical layer: A survey. In Internet of Things, 2022. (SCI三区)

[77].Mingliang Hou, Feng Xia, Haoran Gao, Xin Chen, Honglong Chen. Urban Region Profiling With Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2023. (SCI二区)

[78].Yuying Cai, Jinfeng Li, Baodi Liu, Weijia Cao, Honglong Chen, Weifeng Liu. Shared Dictionary Learning Via Coupled Adaptations for Cross-Domain Classification. In Neural Processing Letters, 2023. (SCI三区)

[79].Nan Jiang, Li Gao, Fuxian Duan, Jie Wen, Tao Wan, Honglong Chen. SAN: Attention-based social aggregation neural networks for recommendation system. In International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2022. (SCI二区)

[80].Xuefei Li, Baodi Liu, Kai Zhang, Honglong Chen, Weijia Cao, Weifeng Liu, Dapeng Tao. Multi-view learning for hyperspectral image classification: An overview. In Neurocomputing, 2022. (SCI二区)

[81].Liantao Wu, Zening Liu, Peng Sun, Honglong Chen, Kunlun Wang, Yong Zuo, Yang Yang. DOT: Decentralized Offloading of Tasks in OFDMA-Based Heterogeneous Computing Networks. In IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. (SCI一区, IF:10.238)

[82]. Shuo Yu, Feng Xia, Chen Zhang, Haoran Wei, Kathleen Keogh, Honglong Chen. Familiarity-Based Collaborative Team Recognition in Academic Social Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2022. (SCI二区)

[83]. Nan Jiang, Fuxian Duan, Honglong Chen, Wei Huang, Ximeng Liu. MAFI: GNN-based Multiple Aggregators and Feature Interactions Network for Fraud Detection over Heterogeneous Graph. In IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2022. (SCI二区)

[84]. Kan Yu, Biwei Yan, Jiguo Yu, Honglong Chen, Anming Dong. Methods of improving Secrecy Transmission Capacity in wireless random networks. In Ad Hoc Networks, 2021. (SCI二区) 

[85]. Nan Jiang, Debin Huang, Jing Chen, Jie Wen, Heng Zhang, Honglong Chen. Semi-Direct Monocular Visual-Inertial Odometry Using Point and Line Features for IoV. In ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2021. (SCI四区, CCF B) 

[86].Nan Jiang, Jing Chen, Rigui Zhou, Changxing Wu,Honglong Chen, Jiaqi Zheng, Tao Wan. PAN: Pipeline Assisted Neural Networks Model for Data-to-Text Generation in Social Internet of Things. In Information Sciences, 2020. (SCI一, CCF B, Top)

[87]. Jiahui Hu, Zhibo Wang, Jian Wei, Ruizhao Lv, Jing Zhao, Qian Wang,Honglong Chen, Dejun Yang. Towards Demand-driven Dynamic Incentive for Mobile Crowdsensing Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2020. (SCI一区, CCF B, Top)

[88]. Jiguo Yu, Kan Yu, Dongxiao Yu, Xiuzhen Cheng, Weifeng Lv, Honglong Chen, Wei Cheng. Efficient Link Scheduling in Wireless Networks under Rayleigh-fading and Multiuser Interference. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2020. (SCI一区, CCF B, Top)

[89]. Zhibo Wang, Xiaoyi Pang, Jiahui Hu, Wenxin Liu, Qian Wang, Yanjun Li, Honglong Chen. When Mobile Crowdsensing Meets Privacy. In IEEE Communications Magazine, 2019.(SCI一区, Top)

[90]. Zhibo Wang, Jiahui Hu, Qian Wang, Ruizhao Lv, Jian Wei,Honglong Chen, and Xiaoguang Niu. Task Bundling Based Incentive for Location-dependent Mobile Crowdsourcing. In IEEE Communications Magazine, 2019, 57(2), pp. 54-59.(SCI一区, Top)

[91]. Behrouz Jedari, Feng Xia,Honglong Chen, Sajal K. Das, Amr Tolba, Zafer AL-Makhadmeh. A Social-based Watchdog System to Detect Selfish Nodes in Opportunistic Mobile Networks. In Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019.(SCI二区)

[92]. Zhibo Wang, Xiaoyi Pang, Yahong Chen, Huajia Shao, Qian Wang, Libing Wu,Honglong Chen, and Hairong Qi. Privacy-preserving Crowd-sourced Statistical Data Publishing with An Untrusted Server. In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2019. (SCI二区, CCF A, ESI高被引)

[93]. Chuanwen Luo, Jiguo Yu, Deying Li,Honglong Chen, Yi Hong, Lina Ni.A Novel Distributed algorithm for constructing virtual backbones in wireless sensor networks. In Computer Networks, 2018, 146, pp.104-114(SCI三区, CCF B)

[94]. Noor Ullah, Xiangjie Kong, Liangtian Wan,Honglong Chen, Zhibo Wang, Feng Xia.A Social Utility-Based Dissemination Scheme for Emergency Warning Messages in Vehicular Social Networks. In The Computer Journal, 2018, 61 (7), pp.971-986.(SCI四区, CCF B)

[95]. Shaoqing Wang, Jiguo Yu, Mohammed Atiquzzaman,Honglong Chen, Lina Ni.CRPD: a novel clustering routing protocol for dynamic wireless sensor networks. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2018, 22 (3), pp.545-559.(SCI三区)

[96]. Yanjun Li, Kaikai Chi,Honglong Chen, Zhibo Wang, Yihua Zhu.Narrowband Internet of Things Systems with Opportunistic D2D Communication. In IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018, 5 (3), pp.1474-1484.(SCI一区, Top)

[97]. Zhibo Wang, Qing Cao, Hairong Qi,Honglong Chen, Qian Wang. Cost-Effective Barrier Coverage Formation in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. In Ad Hoc Networks, 2017.(SCI三区, ESI高被引)

[98]. Zhibo Wang,Honglong Chen, Qing Cao, Hairong Qi, Zhi Wang, Qian Wang.Achieving Location Error Tolerant Barrier Coverage for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Computer Networks, 2017. (SCI三区, CCF B, ESI高被引)

[99]. Baogui Huang, Jiguo Yu, Xiuzhen Cheng,Honglong Chen, Hang Liu.SINR based shortest link scheduling with oblivious power control in wireless networks. In Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2017. (SCI二区, Top)

[100]. Zhibo Wang, Zhi Wang,Honglong Chen, Jianfeng Li, Hongbin Li and Jie Shen. HierTrack: An Energy Efficient Cluster-based Target Tracking System for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Journal of Zhejiang University - Science C, 2013.(SCI四区)

[101]. Zhibo Wang, Wei Lou, Zhi Wang, Junchao Ma andHonglong Chen. HCTT: A Hybrid Cluster-based Target Tracking Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. In International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013.(SCI四区)

[102]. Yu Chen, Weiwei Wang,Honglong Chen, Xiangcui Kong, and Jingjing Chen. Parameter Characteristics of Gauss-Markov Mobility Model in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. Accepted to appear in Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, 2015.(SCI四区)

[103]. Leyi Shi, Yuwen Cui, Han Xu,Honglong Chen, Deli Liu. Mimicry honeypot: an evolutionary decoy system. Accepted to appear in International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, 2017.(EI)

[104].石乐义,崔玉文,付文静,陈鸿龙.一种分簇无线传感网轻量级匿名认证及密钥协商方案.北京邮电大学学报. 2018.EI

[105].李燕君,胡绍利,迟凯凯,陈鸿龙.面向家庭健康监护的传感网中继节点部署方法.仪器仪表学报. 2015. (EI)

[106].石乐义,贾聪,宫剑,刘昕,陈鸿龙.基于共享秘密的伪随机散列函数RFID双向认证协议.电子与信息学报. 2015. (EI)

[107].曹玉苹,邓晓刚,田学民,陈鸿龙.数据驱动的抽油机井实时故障诊断实验平台.实验技术与管理. 2015.(核心期刊教改论文)




[1]. Zhe Li, Honglong Chen*, Yudong Gao, Huansheng Xue. Lightweight Privacy Protection Against Channel-Level Gradient Leakage Attack in Federated Learning, in Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communications Technology Convergence, 2024. (Best Paper Award)

[2]. Yudong Gao, Honglong Chen*, Peng Sun, Zhe Li, Junjian Li, Huajie Shao*. Energy-based Backdoor Defense without Task-Specific Samples and Model Retraining, in Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024. (CCF A)

[3]. Jin Wang, Bingfeng Zhang, Jian Pang, Honglong Chen, Weifeng Liu. Rethinking Prior Information Generation with CLIP for Few-Shot Segmentation, in Proceedings of IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2024.(CCF A)

[4].Yudong Gao, Honglong Chen*, Peng Sun, Junjian Li, Anqing Zhang, ZhiboWang, WeifengLiu. A Dual Stealthy Backdoor: From Both Spatial and Frequency Perspectives, in Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024. (CCF A)

[5].Junjian Li, Honglong Chen*, Yudong Gao, Kai Lin, Yuping Liu. B3A: Bokeh Based Backdoor Attack with Feature Restrictions, in Proceedings of IEEE MSN, 2023. (CCF C)

[6].Chen Li, Xinghao Yang, Baodi Liu, Weifeng Liu, Honglong Chen. Annealing Genetic based Preposition Substitution for Text Rubbish Example Generation, in Proceedings of IJCAI, 2023. (CCF A)

[7].Jie Wen, Nan Jiang, Jin Li, Ximeng Liu, Honglong Chen, Yanzhi Ren, Zhaohui Yuan, Ziang Tu. DTrust: Toward Dynamic Trust Levels Assessment in Time-Varying Online Social Networks, in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, 2023. (CCF A)

[8].Kai Lin, Honglong Chen*, Na Yan, Zhichen Ni, Zhe Li. Compact Unknown Tag Identification for Large-Scale RFID Systems, in Proceedings of IEEE MSN, 2022. (CCF C)

[9].Zhe Li, Honglong Chen*, Kai Lin, Vladimir Shakhov, Leyi Shi, Jiguo Yu. Double Attention-based Deformable Convolutional Network for Recommendation. in Proceedings of IEEE/CICInternational Conference on Communications in China, 2020.

[10].Honglong Chen,Shuai Wang, Nan Jiang, Zhe Li, Na Yan, Leyi Shi. TagRec: Trust-aware Generative Adversarial Network with Recurrent Neural Network for Recommender Systems, in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning for Cyber Security, 2020.(Best Paper Award, 1 out of 158 papers)  

[11].Zhibo Wang, Jiahui Hu, Jing Zhao, Dejun Yang,Honglong Chen and Qian Wang. Pay On-demand: Dynamic Incentive and Task Selection for Location-dependent Mobile Crowdsensing Systems, in Proceedings of IEEE ICDCS, 2018.(CCF B)

[12].Zhibo Wang, Yongquan Zhang,Honglong Chen, Zhetao Li, Feng Xia. Deep User Modeling for Content-based Event Recommendation in Event-based Social Networks, in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, 2018, pp.1304-1312. (CCF A)

[13].Zhibo Wang,Honglong Chen, Qing Cao, Hairong Qi, and Zhi Wang.Fault Tolerant Barrier Coverage for Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, 2014.  (Acceptance ratio: 320/1645=19.4%) (CCF A)

[14].Honglong Chen and Wei Lou. Making Nodes Cooperative: A Secure Incentive Mechanism for Message Forwarding in DTNs, in Proceedings of IEEE ICCCN, 2013. (CCF C)

[15].Honglong Chen and Wei Lou, Group Aware Cooperative Routing for Opportunistic Networks under Resource Constraints, in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, 2012. (CCF C)

[16].Honglong Chen and Wei Lou, On Using Contact Expectation for Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks,in Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing (IEEE ICPP), Taiwan, September, 2011. (Acceptance ratio: 81/363=22.3%)(CCF B)

[17].Honglong Chen, Wei Lou and Zhi Wang, Secure Localization Against Wormhole Attacks Using Conflicting Sets, in Proceedings of the 29thIEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEEIPCCC), Albuquerque, USA, December 2010. (Acceptance ratio: 36/127=28.3%)(CCF C)

[18].Honglong Chen and Wei Lou, From Nowhere to Somewhere: Protecting End-to-End Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proceedings of the 29thIEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEEIPCCC), Albuquerque, USA, December 2010. (Acceptance ratio: 36/127=28.3%)  (CCF C)

[19].Honglong Chen, Wei Lou and Zhi Wang, Consistency-Based Secure Localization Against Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA), Boston, USA, Aug., 2009.

[20].Honglong Chen, Wei Lou and Zhi Wang, Conflicting-Set-Based Wormhole Attack Resistant Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proceedings of the6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC), Brisbane, Australia, July 7-9, 2009. (CCF C)

[21].Honglong Chen, Wei Lou, Junchao Ma and Zhi Wang, TSCD: A Novel Secure Localization Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications(IEEESENSORCOMM):661-666, Cap Esterel, France, August 25-31, 2008.

[22].Lianfang Cai, Xuemin Tian, and Honglong Chen.Nonlinear Process Fault Diagnosis Using Kernel ICA and Improved FDA, in Proceedings of the11th IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, 2013.

[23].Weiming Shao, Xuemin Tian, and Honglong Chen.Adaptive Anti-Over-Fitting Soft Sensing Method Based on Local Learning, in Proceedings of the 10th IFAC International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, 2013.

[24].Zhibo Wang, Zhi Wang, Honglong Chen, Jianfeng Li and Hongbin Li. Demo Abstract: An Energy-efficient Target Tracking System for Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proceedings of ACMSensys, 2011.

[25].Zhibo Wang, Wei Lou, Zhi Wang, Junchao Ma and Honglong Chen, A Novel Mobility Management Scheme for Target Tracking in Cluster-based Sensor Networks, in Proceedings of International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS), 2010.

[26].Junfeng Wu,Honglong Chen, Wei Lou, Zhibo Wang and Zhi Wang, Label-Based DV-Hop Localization Against Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (IEEE NAS), 2010.

[27].Xice Sun, Zhi Wang,Honglong Chen and Wei Lou, A Probabilistic Model for lifetime measurement in privacy-aware sensor networks, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (IEEE WCSP), 2009.




[1].林凯,陈鸿龙,闫娜,邓晓刚,刘伟锋.一种多点选择的商用RFID系统的未知标签识别方法. 授权,2023.(专利号:ZL202111111564.9)

[2].刘昊宙, 陈鸿龙, 林凯, 闫娜, 薛焕昇. 一种基于大规模RFID系统的未知标签识别方法. 授权,2023.(专利号:ZL202310152344.3)

[3].陈鸿龙, 艾欣,林凯,李哲,代天骄,石乐义. 基于多种子的大规模RFID系统概率性克隆攻击识别方法. 授权, 2023.(ZL201910664783.6)

[4].陈鸿龙,艾欣,林凯,李哲,代天骄,石乐义. 基于分段的大规模RFID系统概率性克隆攻击识别方法. 授权, 2023.(专利号:ZL201910664849.1)

[5].林凯,陈鸿龙,艾欣,闫娜,石乐义. RFID系统的丢失标签检测方法. 授权, 2023. (专利号:ZL201911065666.4).

[6].陈鸿龙,代天骄,艾欣,林凯,刘璐,王志波,石乐义.基于SSZE的大规模分组RFID系统的丢失标签冰山查询方法. 授权, 2021.(专利号:ZL2018111396814)

[7].陈鸿龙, 林凯, 艾欣, 王志波, 石乐义. 基于HZE的大规模分组RFID系统的丢失标签冰山查询方法. 授权, 2021.(专利号:ZL2018111407306)

[8].陈鸿龙,刘璐,林凯,付金楠,丁鑫旺,王志波,石乐义. 匿名射频识别系统分阶段丢失关键标签识别方法. 授权, 2020.(专利号:ZL2017109919655)

[9].艾欣,陈鸿龙,林凯,代天骄,王志波,石乐义.基于SHZE的大规模分组RFID系统的丢失标签冰山查询方法. 授权, 2019.(专利号:ZL2018111396829    

[10].杨黎鹏,车荣杰,梅刚,张千昌,孙延波,戴群,关晓龙,陈鸿龙,代天骄.基于SZE的大规模分组RFID系统的丢失标签冰山查询方法. 授权, 2019.(专利号:ZL2018111396636

[11].陈鸿龙,马国蕾,丁鑫旺,林凯,刘璐,石乐义匿名分组RFID系统的丢失标签检测方法. 授权, 2018.(专利号:ZL2016109093848

[12].陈鸿龙,付金楠,丁鑫旺,刘璐,林凯,王志波,石乐义匿名射频识别系统基于向量的丢失关键标签的识别方法. 授权, 2018.(专利号:ZL2017109913150

[13].陈鸿龙,林凯,刘璐,付金楠,丁鑫旺,石乐义含有未知标签的射频识别系统的丢失标签识别方法. 授权, 2018.(专利号:2017103117839

[14].陈鸿龙,杨黎鹏,车荣杰,丁鑫旺,付金楠,林凯,刘璐,石乐义匿名多组射频识别系统的丢失标签非确定性并行检测方法. 授权, 2018.(专利号:ZL2017102965559

[15].陈鸿龙王志波王智一种无线网络中移动信标节点检测及定位虫洞攻击的方法. 授权, 2017.(专利号:ZL201410030021.8)

[16].陈鸿龙马国蕾李晓辉田力丹一种基于跳跃式查询的被动式三维射频识别定位方法. 授权, 2016.(专利号:ZL201510319895.X

[17].陈鸿龙田力丹王志波马国蕾连雪一种容迟网络中基于期望会面节点数的路由方法. 授权, 2016.(专利号:ZL201510560533X).

[18].陈鸿龙王志波王智一种移动自组织网络中能量有效的异步邻节点发现方法. 授权, 2014.(专利号:ZL201310628248.8)

[19].王智王志波孙喜策李安陈鸿龙一种基于混合簇的无线传感器网络移动目标跟踪方法. 授权, 2013.(专利号:ZL200910155053.X)





