













[1] 基于机器学习的数字图像处理技术


[2] 基于机器学习的数字图像分析技术


[3] 数字图像处理与分析技术场景应用








    20134-201612月 中国石油大学(华东)信息与控制工程学院 讲师

    20171-20193月 中国石油大学(华东)信息与控制工程学院 副教授

    20194-20203月 University of California, Merced (Ming-Hsuan Yang’s Lab)访问学者

    20204-至今 中国石油大学(华东)控制科学与工程学院 副教授



      IEEE SMC协会感知计算技术委员会委员;









 《Computational Intelligence》客座编辑;

   IEEE Transactions on Image ProcessingIEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning SystemsIEEE Transactions on CyberneticsIEEE Transactions on MultimediaPattern RecognitionICLR2023ICLR2024MICCAI2024等审稿人;







    2015级  王立(协助指导)

    2018级  邵帅(协助指导)

   2019级  许睿(协助指导)

   2020级  杜春雨(协助指导)


   2012级  赵佳(协助指导)

   2014级  冯晓洁(协助指导)

   2016级  孟洁(协助指导)、王博阳(协助指导)

   2017级  谢文阳(推免、国家奖学金

   2018级  李皎月(推免)、邵倩倩

   2019级  陈大磊、朱敏、逯孝珑、管颢筌、姜文宗(协助指导,校级优秀硕士学位论文)、王镇方(协助指导)、单芮(协助指导)、梁腾(协助指导)

   2020级  兴雷(推免、国家奖学金校级优秀硕士学位论文)、韩安勋(推免)、潘相帅(推免)、韩东辰、王振龙、赵丽飞、谢清涛(推免)、王晓斌、王俊、王梦珂、冯恒新、王坤(协助指导)、田庆泽(协助指导)

   2021级  韩博文(本研)、刘铭浩(本研、国家奖学金)、陈志浩(推免)、郝洋(推免)、乔许建、李梦娇、刘艳、王晓斌、田静

   2022级  白雨(推免)、刘永生(推免)、赵士远、刘虹良(协助指导)、迟瀚扬(协助指导)、许晓倩(协助指导)

   2023级  刘新川、杜林蔓、陈继群、郭庆坤、崔翔赫(校外导师:李晔)、赵锦荣(本研、协助指导)、周浩然(协助指导)、王浩宇(协助指导)、刘洋(协助指导)

   2024级  王长超(推免)、李燊枭(推免)、朱宇航(工程硕博专项计划)、田瑞家(协助指导)


 [1] 202401-202612月,山东省重大基础研究项目“基于工业互联网的离散制造业生产安全智能化关键技术研究”(项目号:ZR2023ZD32,项目骨干成员)

 [2] 202401-202512月,中国石油大学(华东)案例库建设“产学研一体化《现代数字图像处理》教学案例库建设”(项目负责人)

 [3] 202301-202412月,山东省精品案例库建设“人工智能技术教学案例库建设”(项目骨干成员)

 [4] 202302-202502月,中国石油大学(华东)案例库建设“基于OBE教育理念的研究生学位论文质量提升路径研究”(项目骨干成员)

 [5] 202210-202410月,中石化勘探开发研究院开放基金 “多视角稀疏编码融合深度学习的页岩油气甜点识别”(项目号:33550000-22-ZC0613-0243,项目负责人)

 [6] 20219-202110月,海信(空调)有限公司 “平度工厂信智AI项目-喷码自动检测分项项目”(合同号:HX20210804,项目骨干成员)

 [7] 20215-20224月,海信聚好联科技有限公司 “社区视频分析系统”(合同号:HX20210254,项目骨干成员)

 [8] 20214-202112月,北京博力加机电技术有限公司 “磁粉成像缺陷识别算法研究与开发”(合同号:HX20210159,项目骨干成员)

 [9] 202105-202205月,中国石油大学(华东)研究生创新工程项目 “基于字典学习的小样本图像分类算法研究”,(YCX2021117,资助研究生)

[10] 202005-202212月,中央高校基本科研业务 “基于机器学习的剩余油分布预测”(项目号:20CX05001A,项目负责人)

[11] 202001-202212月,山东省高校青创科技计划项目“石油工业异常工况智能诊断创新团队”(项目号:2019KJN019,项目骨干成员)

[12] 201905-202206月,山东省自然科学基金面上基金项目 “基于稀疏表示算法的图像深度特征提取与视觉分类器设计”(项目号:ZR2019MF073,项目负责人)

[13] 201812-201906月,苏州丽多数字科技有限公司 技术开发项目 “3D表情驱动算法工程开发” ,项目负责人

[14] 201805-201905月,中国石油大学(华东)研究生创新工程项目 “图像深度特征提取与分类方法研究”,(YCX2018063,资助研究生)

[15] 201801-201912月,山东计算机学会省重点实验室联合开放基金 “基于词典学习的多类分类算法研究”(项目号:SDKLCN-2018-01,项目负责人)

[16] 201708-202006月,山东省自然科学基金面上项目 “基于深度学习和人类记忆机制的运动目标提取和跟踪方法研究”(项目号:ZR2017MF069,项目骨干成员)

[17] 201703-201903月,青岛市应用基础研究计划项目 “非线性子空间基于词典学习的多类分类算法研究” (项目号: No.17-1-1-8-jch,项目负责人)

[18] 201701-202012月,国家自然科学基金面上项目 “基于多视角深度稀疏编码及流形正则化的图像标注研究” (项目号:61671480,项目骨干成员)

[19] 201601-201812月,中央高校基本科研业务 “核空间基于词典学习的多类分类方法研究”  (项目号: 16CX02060A,项目负责人)

 [20] 201501-201506月,北京理工大学,技术开发项目 “基于视频的行人检测技术开发”(合同号: 15370502000038,项目负责人)

 [21] 201501-201712月,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 “再生核希尔伯特空间图像稀疏表达算法研究”(项目号: 61402535,项目负责人)

[22] 201409-201609月,青岛市科技计划项目 “非线性子空间图像稀疏表达算法研究” (项目号: No.14-2-4-111-jch,项目负责人)

[23] 201407-201707月,山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目 “基于深度稀疏表达算法的图像分类方法研究”(项目号:ZR2014FQ001,项目负责人)

[24] 201401-201512月,中央高校基本科研业务 “核空间数据结构嵌入的稀疏表达算法研究” (项目号: 14CX02169A,项目负责人)

[25] 201401-201612月,校人才引进项目 “非线性子空间过完备词典学习” (项目号:Y1305024,项目负责人)

[26] 201201-201512月,国家自然科学基金面上项目 “非线性模式下非负矩阵集分解研究” (项目号:61171118,项目骨干成员)


[1] 2022年,联盟智能动态决策关键技术研发及产业化,青岛市科学技术奖科技进步奖一等奖(3/15

[2] 2022年,海工装备智能电磁无损检测关键技术及仪器研发,海洋工程科学技术奖技术发明奖一等奖(5/14

[3] 2022年,局部结构保持及特征表示理论与方法,自动化学会自然科学奖二等奖(2/5

[4] 2022年,基于5G+MEC的机器视觉关键技术在家电产品缺陷检测中的研发与应用,中国产学研合作促进会产学研合作创新成果奖优秀奖(4/10

[5] 2022年,基于大规模定制的工业互联网平台关键技术研发与产业化,第三届山东省人工智能学会科学技术奖科技进步奖一等奖(3/10

[6] 2023年,基于5G+MECAI视觉质检平台关键技术及应用,CCF科技成果奖科技进步三等奖(4/5

[7] 2023年,基于多源信息协同的小样本学习方法研究,第四届山东省计算机学会自然科学奖二等奖(3/6


[1] 20218-20238月,山东省国家知识产权保护中心知识产权保护人才专家

[2] 2023年,山东省科技厅入库专家

[3] 2023年,山东省国家标准技术评审专家

[4] 2023年,青岛市科技专家库入库专家(第一批)

[5] 2023年,青岛市农业农村局项目专家库专家


[1] 刘伟锋、陶大鹏、刘宝弟、王武礼, 模式识别技术与应用, 中国石油大学出版社,2022

[2] Mike SnellTony NorthrupGenn JohnsonASP.NET应用程序开发(MCTS教程),清华大学出版社,段菲、刘宝弟、陈正华 译,2013



 [1] Bowen Han#, Luhao Sun#, Chao Li, Zhiyong Yu, Wenzong Jiang, Weifeng Liu, Dapeng Tao, Bao-Di Liu*, Deep Location Soft-Embedding -based Network with Regional Scoring for Mammogram Classification, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, In Press, 2024 [SCI一区 CCF B]

 [2] Yu Bai, Shuai Shao*, Shiyuan Zhao, Weifeng Liu, Dapeng Tao, Bao-Di Liu*, EME: Energy-based Multi-Expert Model for Long-tailed Remote Sensing Image Classification, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, In Press, 2024 [SCI一区 CCF B]

 [3] Shiyuan Zhao, Yu Bai, Shuai Shao*, Weifeng Liu, Xinmin Ge, Ye Li, Bao-Di Liu*, SELM: Self-motivated Ensemble Learning Model for Cross-Domain Few-shot Classification in Hyperspectral Images, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, In Press, 2024 [SCI三区 CCF C]

 [4] Shuai Shao, Yan Wang, Bin Liu, Weifeng Liu, Yanjiang Wang*, Bao-Di Liu*, FADS: Fourier-Augmentation based Data-Shunting for Few-shot Classification, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 34(2):839-851, 2024 [SCI一区 Top期刊 CCF B]

 [5] Yunkai Yang, Qijia Yang, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Design of integrated interactive system for pre-diagnosis of breast cancer pathological images based on CNN and PyQt5, Multimedia Systems, In Press, 2024 [SCI三区 CCF C]

 [6] Dongchen Han, Weifeng Liu, Mingchen Zou, Bao-Di Liu*, Non-Contrastive Nearest Neighbor Identity-Guided Method for Unsupervised Object Re-identification, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 33(6): 2713-2723, 2023 [SCI一区Top期刊 CCF B]

 [7] Shuai Shao#, Lei Xing#, Yanjiang Wang*, Bao-Di Liu*, Weifeng Liu, Yicong Zhou, Attention-based Multi-View Feature Collaboration for Decoupled Few-Shot Learning, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 33(5): 2357-2369, 2023 [SCI一区Top期刊 CCF B]

 [8] Baodi Liu, Lifei Zhao*, Shuai Shao, Weifeng Liu, Dapeng Tao, Weijia Cao, Yicong Zhou, RAN: Region-Aware Network for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, In Press, 2023 [SCI一区 CCF B]

 [9] Minghao Liu, Wenzong Jiang, Weifeng Liu, Dapeng Tao, Bao-Di Liu*, Dynamic Adaptive Attention Guided Self-Supervised Single Remote Sensing Image Denoising, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, In Press, 2023 [SCI一区CCF B]

 [10] Wuli Wang*, Lei Xing, Peng Ren, Yumeng Jiang, Ge Wang, Bao-Di Liu*, Subspace prototype learning for few-shot remote sensing scene classification, Signal Processing, 208: 108976, 2023 [SCI二区 CCF C]

 [11] Baodi Liu, Lifei Zhao*, Weifeng Liu, Ye Li, MWLN: Multilevel Wavelet Learning Network for Continuous-Scale Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, In Press, 2023 [SCI 三区 CCF C]

 [12] Yang Hao, Wenzong Jiang, Ye Li, Bao-Di Liu*, Selecting Information Fusion Generative Adversarial Networks for Remote Sensing Image Cloud Removal, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, In Press, 2023 [SCI三区 CCF C]

 [13] Tianhao Yuan, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Double Discriminative Constraints-based Affine Nonnegative Representation for Few-shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, In Press, 2023 [SCI三区 CCF C]

 [14] Jing Tian, Xinran Guo, Weifeng Liu, Dapeng Tao, Bao-Di Liu*, Deformable Convolutional Network Constrained by Contrastive Learning for Underwater Image Enhancement, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, In Press, 2023 [SCI三区 CCF C]

 [15] Xiaobin Wang, Wenzong Jiang, Lei Xing, Shuai Shao, Weifeng Liu, Yanjiang Wang, Weijia Cao, Bao-Di Liu*, Multi-scale feature fusion kernel estimation with masked interpolation loss for real-world remote sensing images super-resolution, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44(18): 5597-5627, 2023 [SCI三区]

 [16] Xujian Qiao, Lei Xing, Anxun Han, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Multi-scale fusion for few-shot remote sensing image classification, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44(19): 6012-6032, 2023 [SCI三区]

 [17] Chunyu Du#, Shuai Shao#, Jun Tang, Xinjing Song, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Yanjiang Wang*, Non-local Graph Convolutional Network, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, In Press, 2023 [SCI三区]

 [18] Yang Hao, Wenzong Jiang, Weifeng Liu, Weijia Cao, Bao-Di Liu*, Dynamic Feature Attention Network for Remote Sensing Image Dehazing, Neural Processing Letters, In Press, 2023 [SCI四区 CCF C]

 [19] Xujian Qiao, Lei Xing, Anxun Han, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Simplified Multi-head Mechanism for Few-shot Remote Sensing Image Classification, Neural Processing Letters, In Press, 2023 [SCI四区 CCF C]

 [20] Baodi Liu*, Yan Liu, Qianqian Shao, Weifeng Liu, Central Attention with Multi-graphs for Image Annotation, Neural Processing Letters, In Press, 2023 [SCI四区 CCF C]

 [21] Tianhao Yuan, Weifeng Liu, Fei Yan, Bao-Di Liu*, Decision Fusion for Few-shot Image Classification, International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, 12(2): 31, 2023 [SCI四区]

 [22] Mengke Wang, Yan Liu, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Feature Fusion based Parallel Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Image Annotation, Neural Processing Letters, 55(5): 6153-6164, 2023 [SCI四区 CCF C]

 [23] Rui Xu#, Lei Xing#, Shuai Shao, Lifei Zhao, Bao-Di Liu*, Weifeng Liu*, Yicong Zhou, GCT: Graph Co-Training for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 32(12): 8674-8687, 2022 [SCI一区Top期刊 CCF B]

 [24] Shuai Shao#, Lei Xing#, Rui Xu, Weifeng Liu, Yanjiang Wang*, Bao-Di Liu*, MDFM: Multi-Decision Fusing Model for Few-shot Learning, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 32(8):5151-5162, 2022. [SCI一区Top期刊 CCF B]

[25] Dongchen Han, Shuai Shao, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Object re-identification with distribution corrected ranking list, Neurocomputing, 506: 117-127, 2022 [SCI二区 CCF C]

[26] Shuai Shao, Rui Xu, Zhenfang Wang, Weifeng Liu, Yanjiang Wang*, Bao-Di Liu*, DLDL: Dynamic label dictionary learning via hypergraph regularization, Neurocomputing, 475:80-88, 2022 [SCI二区 CCF C]

[27] Lei Xing, Yuteng Ma, Weijia Cao, Shuai Shao, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Rethinking few-shot remote sensing scene classification: a good embedding is all you need? IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, In press, 2022 [SCI三区 CCF C]

[28] Lei Xing#, Lifei Zhao#, Weijia Cao, Xinmin Ge, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Class Shared Dictionary Learning for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scence Classification, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, In Press, 2022 [SCI三区 CCF C]

[29] Lei Xing, Shuai Shao, Weifeng Liu, Anxun Han, Xiangshuai Pan, Bao-Di Liu*, Learning task-specific discriminative embeddings for few-shot image classification, Neurocomputing, 488:1-13, 2022 [SCI二区 CCF C]

[30] Lei Xing, Shuai Shao, Yuteng Ma, Yanjiang Wang, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Learning to Cooperate: Decision Fusion Method for Few-shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, In Press, 2022 [SCI三区 CCF C]

[31] Wenzong Jiang#, Lifei Zhao#, Yanjiang Wang*, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, U-Shaped Attention Connection Network for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, In press, 2022 [SCI三区 CCF C]

[32] Lei Wei, Lei Xing, Lifei Zhao, Bao-Di Liu*, Class Centralized Dictionary Learning for Few-shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, In press, 2022 [SCI三区 CCF C]

[33] Bao-Di Liu*, Lifei Zhao, Jiaoyue Li, Hengle Zhao, Weifeng Liu, Ye Li, Yanjiang Wang, Honglong Chen, Weijia Cao, Saliency-Guided Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution, Remote Sensing, 13(24):5144, 2021 [SCI二区Top]

[34] Wenzong Jiang, Lifei Zhao, Yanjiang Wang, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Cross-Dimension Attention Guided Self-Supervised Remote Sensing Single-Image Super-Resolution, Remote Sensing, 13(19):3835, 2021. [SCI二区Top]

[35] Yan-Jiang Wang, Shao Shuai, Rui Xu, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Class Specific or Shared? A Cascaded Dictionary Learning Framework for Image Classification, Signal Processing, 176: 107697, 2020 [SCI二区 CCF C]

[36] Wenyang Xie, Bao-Di Liu*, Shuai Shao, Ye Li, Yanjiang Wang, Sparse Representation and Collaborative Representation? Both Help Image Classification, IEEE Access, 7:76061-76070, 2019 [SCI二区]

[37] Bao-Di Liu*, Jie Meng, Wen-yang Xie, Shuai Shao, Ye Li, Yanjiang Wang, Weighted spatial pyramid matching collaborative representation for remote-sensing-image scene classification, Remote Sensing, 11(5):518, 2019 [SCI二区Top]

[38] Bao-Di Liu*, Wen-Yang Xie, Jie Meng, Ye Li, Yanjiang Wang, Hybrid Collaborative Representation for Remote-Sensing Image Scene Classification, Remote Sensing, 10(12): 1934, 2018 [SCI二区Top]

 [39] Bao-Di Liu*, Liangke Gui, Yuting Wang, Yu-Xiong Wang, Bin Shen, Xue Li, Yan-Jiang Wang, Class Specific Centralized Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(3): 4159-4177, 2017 [SCI CCF C 四区]

 [40] Bao-Di Liu*, Bin Shen, Liangke Gui, Yu-Xiong Wang, Xue Li, Yan-Jiang Wang, Fei Yan, Face Recognition Using Class Specific Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation and Collaborative Representation, Neurocomputing, 204:198-210, 2016 [SCI二区 CCF C]

 [41] Bao-Di Liu*, Yu-Xiong Wang, Bin Shen, Xue Li, Yu-Jin Zhang, Yan-Jiang Wang, Blockwise Coordinate Descent Schemes for Efficient and Effective Dictionary Learning, Neurocomputing, 17825-35, 2016 [SCI二区 CCF C]

 [42] Xue Li*, Bin Shen*, Bao-Di Liu*, Yu-Jin Zhang*, A Locality Sensitive Low-Rank Model for Image Tag Completion, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 18(3): 474-483, 2016 [SCI二区 CCF B]

 [43] Bin Shen, Bao-Di Liu*, Qifan Wang, Elastic net regularized dictionary learning for image classification, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(15):8861-8874, 2016 [SCI四区 CCF C]

[44] Bao-Di Liu*, Yu-Xiong Wang, Yu-Jin Zhang, Bin Shen, Learning dictionary on manifolds for image classification, Pattern Recognition, 46(7):1879-1890, 2013 [SCI二区 CCF B]

[45] 刘宝弟, 王宇雄, 章毓晋*, 图像分类中多流形上的词典学习, 清华大学学报:自然科学版, 52(4):575-579, 2012

[46] 刘宝弟, 王延江*, 马海, 王武礼, 基于均值漂移算法的人脸自适应跟踪, 中国石油大学学报:自然科学版, 31(4):153-157, 2007


 [1] Shuai Shao, Yu Bai, Yan Wang, Bao-Di Liu*, Yicong Zhou*, DeIl: Direct and Inverse CLIP for Open-World Few-Shot Learning, In Proceedings of the CVPR, 2024 [CCF A]

 [2] Shuai Shao, Yu Bai, Yan Wang, Bao-Di Liu*, Bin Liu*, Collaborative Consortium of Foundation Models for Open-world Few-shot Learning, In Proceedings of the AAAI, 2024 [CCF A]

[3] Bowen Han, Luhao Sun, Chao Li, Zhiyong Yu, Wenzong Jiang, Weifeng Liu*, Dapeng Tao, Bao-Di Liu*, Deep Positional-Representation-Based Local Information Retention Networks for Mammography Classification, In Proceedings of the SMC, 2023 [CCF C]

[4] Zhenlong Wang, Weifeng Liu, Yanjiang Wang, Bao-Di Liu*, Agcyclegan: Attention-Guided Cyclegan for Single Underwater Image Restoration, In Proceedings of the ICASSP, 2779-2783, 2022 [CCF B]

[5] Hengxin Feng, Weifeng Liu, Yanjiang Wang, Bao-Di Liu*, Enrich Features for Few-shot Point Cloud Classification, In Proceedings of the ICASSP, 2285-2289, 2022 [CCF B]

[6] Xiangshuai Pan, Weifeng Liu, Yanjiang Wang, Xiaoping Lu, Bao-Di Liu*, MSL-FER: Mirrored SELF-Supervised Learning for Facial Expression Recognition, In Proceedings of the ICIP, 1601-1605, 2022 [CCF C]

[7] Qizhang Song, Bao-Di Liu*, Weifeng Liu, Image Super-Resolution based on Adaptive Feature Fusion Channel Attention, In Proceedings of the ICONIP, 422-434, 2022 [CCF C]

[8] Xiangshuai Pan, Qingtao Xie, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Multi-Task Facial Experssion Recognition with Joint Gender Learning, In Proceedings of the IEEE SMC, 210-215, 2022 [CCF C]

[9] Qingtao Xie, Xiangshuai Pan, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Multi-Relational Semantic Distillation for Few-shot Object Detection, In Proceedings of the IEEE SMC, 2755-2761, 2022 [CCF C]

[10] Anxun Han, Lei Xing, Weifeng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Multi-view Feature Fusion for Few-shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, In Proceedings of the IEEE SMC, 2452-2458, 2022 [CCF C]

[11] Shuai Shao#, Lei Xing#, Yan Wang, Rui Xu, Chunyan Zhao, Yanjiang Wang*, Bao-Di Liu*, MHFC: Multi-head feature collaboration for few-shot learning, In Proceedings of the ACM MM, 4193-4201, 2021 [CCF A]

[12] Min Zhu, Weifeng Liu, Kai Zhang, Ye Li, Peng Liu, Bao-Di Liu*, Collaborative representation for deep meta metric learning, In Proceedings of the ICMR, 506-510, 2021 [CCF B]

[13] Shuai Shao#, Lei Xing#, Wei Yu, Rui Xu, Yanjiang Wang*, Bao-Di Liu*, SSDL: Self-supervised Dictionary Learning, In Proceedings of the ICME, 1-6, 2021 [CCF B]

[14] Dalei Chen, Bao-Di Liu*, LDANet: a discriminant subspace for metric-based few-shot learning, In Proceedings of the IEEE SMC, 1075-1080, 2021 [CCF C]

[15] Min Zhu, Bao-Di Liu*, Weifeng Liu, Kai Zhang, Ye Li, Xiaoping Lu, Affine non-negative collaborative representation for deep metric learning, In Proceedings of the ICIP, 774-778, 2021 [CCF C]

[16] Xiaolong Lu, Bao-Di Liu*, Weifeng Liu, Kai Zhang, Ye Li, Xiaoping Lu, Linked attention-based dynamic graph convolution module for point cloud classification, In Proceedings of the ICIP, 3153-3157, 2021 [CCF C]

[17] Zhenfang Wang, Yanjiang Wang*, Shuai Shao, Bao-Di Liu*, OPS-NET: Over-parameterized sharing networks for video frame interpolation, In Proceedings of the ICIP, 1974-1978, 2021 [CCF C]

[18] Qianqian Shao, Bao-Di Liu*, Laplacian Eigenmaps Regularized Feature Mapping for Image Annotation, In Proceedings of the SMC, 3901-3906, 2019 [CCF C]

 [19] Bao-Di Liu*, Bin Shen, Xue Li, Locality Sensitive Dictionary Learning for Image Classification, In Proceedings of the ICIP, 3807-3811, 2015 [CCF C]

 [20] Bao-Di Liu*, Yu-Xiong Wang, Bin Shen, Yu-Jin Zhang, Yan-Jiang Wang, Blockwise Coordinate Descent Schemes for Sparse Representation. In Proceedings of the ICASSP, 5304-5308, 2014 [CCF B]

[21] Bao-Di Liu#, Yu-Xiong Wang#, Bin Shen*, Yu-Jin Zhang, Martial hebert, Self-Explanatory Sparse Representation for Image Classification, In Proceedings of the ECCV, 600-616, 2014 [CCF B 计算机视觉顶级会议]

 [22] Bao-Di Liu*, Bin Shen, Yu-Xiong Wang, Weifeng Liu, Yanjiang Wang, Class Specific Subspace Learning for Collaborative Representation, In Proceedings of the SMC, 2865-2870, 2014 [CCF C, oral]

[23] Bao-Di Liu*, Yu-Xiong Wang, Bin Shen, Yu-Jin Zhang, Yanjiang Wang, Weifeng Liu, Self-explanatory Convex Sparse Representation for Image Classification, In Proceedings of the SMC, 2120-2125, 2013 [CCF C, Oral]

 [24] Bao-Di Liu*, Yu-Xiong Wang, Yu-Jin Zhang, and Yin Zheng, Discriminant sparse coding for image classification, In Proceedings of the ICASSP, 2193-2196, 2012 [CCF B]


 [1] 2022826日,“人工智能技术新进展”,中国-东盟(国际)“机甲大师”机器人挑战赛,中国-东盟教育交流周组委会,主旨发言。


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